Chia pudding with matcha & seasonal fruit

A delicious, nutrient-rich breakfast!

This chia pudding with matcha and seasonal fruit is a scrumptious and totally nutritious treat for breakfast! The earthiness of matcha pairs wonderfully with the tartness of fresh fruit to make a healthy and easy morning dish that tastes as good as it looks. The nuts add a perfect textural crunch.


To serve

  • Coconut yoghurt (or yoghurt of choice)

  • Diced fresh mango

  • Blueberries

  • Activated almonds

  • Fresh mint or basil


  • Whisk all ingredients together for the pudding ensuring the chia is not clumped

  • This chia pudding is best when it sits in the fridge overnight to really absorb the liquid, but it will still be delicious even if you let it sit for just an hour

  • When you’re ready to eat it, scoop some into a glass or a bowl and top with your favourite yoghurt, fresh mango, blueberries, activated almonds and some fresh mint or basil.

  • Store the chia pudding in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week.


Matcha is a cherished, ancient Japanese remedy for looking after your skin and entire body. Thankfully Nourished Premium Culinary Matcha is perfect for nourishing your skin and detoxifying your body. Matcha is a powdered green tea made in Japan from stone ground, young shade-grown leaves. Rich in chlorophyll it contains vitamins, antioxidants and many therapeutic properties. Matcha is a powerhouse that has ten times the nutritional value and antioxidant content than regular green tea.


Monk Fruit Concentrate is a sweet, all-natural liquid made from a sub-tropical melon. The natural sweetness comes directly from the antioxidants in the fruit, not from fructose or sucrose. Monk Fruit is vine-ripened, hand-picked, crushed, infused in water and filtered. That’s it, 100% natural! It is rich in antioxidant compounds, virtually free from calories and does not raise your blood sugar. The perfect way to add sweetness to lattes, smoothies, treats, homemade ice blocks and refreshing sodas.

From my table to yours, enjoy!




Our nutrient-rich range can be ordered via our sister store, GPA Wholefoods. GPA's extensive product range is designed to suit any home or whole food pantry.


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